5 Tips For Organizing Your Nursery

Expecting your first child is a wonderful time in your life, full of excitement and planning for your new role as a mother.

As exciting as it is, it can also be a bit overwhelming, everyone has advice for you and the truth is nothing can prepare you for the first few weeks with a new baby, and no advice will be 100% right for you and your baby. The truth is you’ll instinctively know what's best for your baby but here are some tips to make it easier on yourself. 

Talk to your partner about what roles each of you will play.

You’ve probably heard of the mental load of motherhood the best thing you can do for yourself is establish each of your expectations and what you can take on. Before I went on maternity leave I thought I’d have so much time but the truth was I was mainly stuck under the baby most of the day. And to be honest, looking back on it now I’m glad I gave myself that time because it doesn’t last long. One thing that helped us was the app mealime- it gives you the ability to choose meals and creates the grocery list for you. It worked perfectly because I could pick the meals while feeding Emmy and Ryan could pick up the groceries on his way home from work. It also has step-by-step instructions for cooking the meals so either of us could take that on without much thought. 

Another thing I did was follow the clean mama cleaning schedule. When I first had Emmy I felt lost. I was so used to the routine of work that I didn’t know what to do with my days. By following this cleaning schedule It was small tasks each day instead of everything on the weekend. Which meant I could spend more time with my new family (or napping on my own) on the weekend when I had support at home. 

Set up a portable diaper station.

Or more than one if you have a multilevel home. Include onesies, and sleepers, diapers, wipes, and cream. There’s nothing worse than having to run up and down or around the house for the things you need. 

Set boundaries for family and friends

Create boundaries for when people visit and the gifts they buy. Setting boundaries is so important for who and what comes into your home. Start with a registry and give lists for Christmas, birthdays, etc. It’s your home, so it’s not rude to ask for what you need. 

Sort clothes by size

This one is pretty obvious but worth mentioning. These rings make it even easier!

Create a bag with everything you’ll need to make it easy to get out of the house.

Sometimes a quick walk in the fresh air is all you need to clear your head or feel a little better after a sleepless night. I always had a bag set in the buggy so we could leave in minutes. It included blankets, diapers, wipes, a portable changing pad, and a snack for myself. If you’re bottle-feeding just grab one as you leave the house. And you’re good to go.

If you’re looking for a unique baby gift consider a gift card for an organizing session!

Happy Organizing!



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