The Popped Closet Guide To An Organized Move


I’m no stranger to moving, In the 9 years I lived in Toronto I lived in 6 different places, including a short stint in the UK. We moved to Dublin from Toronto, moved once in Dublin, and finally back to Kingston, Ontario where we now call home and have agreed we aren’t moving again until we buy our forever home!

Moving can be stressful, But I’m here to tell you it can be easy and stress-free if you follow my 5 simple steps.

  1. Declutter

    I know, obvious isn’t it? but you’d be surprised at how many people move things they don’t want or need. Start with one room at a time to get rid of anything you don’t want to bring with you. Look at and measure all of your furniture to make sure it will fit in your new space, if not, either donate or sell it to make room for what you need to buy.

  2. Start Early and Make a Checklist

    If you know me, you know I love a list. But truly the best way to stay organized and stay on track is with a list. Start with each room, listing things you have to pack and when it makes sense to start packing, for things you don’t use often start early. It’s not just a packing checklist add things you need to update your address for such as utilities, phone, cable, internet etc.- a lot of these can be done online ahead of time so get it done early!

  3. Label, Label, Label

    Label each box and be as specific as possible. Pack by room and group things together where they will be located.

  4. Make a list of what each box contains

    This one was life changing for me, obviously with our last move things that came ahead had to go through customs, so we had to have detailed lists of each box. This made unpacking so easy, I knew what boxes were priority and what could wait. I highly recommend this strategy.

  5. Moving Day Essentials box

    Finally, don’t forget to pack your moving day essentials box or bag. Without it, your move could end up being a less than pleasant experience. I recommend first making a checklist of all moving day essentials. This way you won’t forget something important at the last minute. Essentials may include medications, toiletries, an extra set of clothes, ID and credit cards, important documents, baby necessities, paper towels, toilet paper, trash bags, a tool kit, pet essentials and bottled water.


If you need a little help packing and unpacking your home so it’s organized from the moment you move in head to to schedule a free consultation.

Happy Moving!



How To Get Rid Of Clutter


Digital Declutter