Organizing Tips and Tricks

Digital Declutter: Photos
If you own an iPhone or basically any smartphone, it’s likely that it's your go-to camera to snap photos on the go. The iPhone camera is quick and easy to use, however, unless you're a pro at digital decluttering, you’d probably agree that the only number more haunting than your inbox is the one in your photo library. With the average iPhone holding over 258GB of storage, it's easy to rack that number up into the hundreds, or thousands. What's not so easy is trying to find the exact photo you're looking for or remembering what's even stored among all the random screenshots, pet pics, and food spreads. If this sounds anything like you, you may be in need of a Marie Kondo-style photo storage makeover, and I’m here to walk you through it. In this blog post, you'll find 4 Simple iPhone Photo Organizing Tips.

Digital Declutter Checklist
It’s the week between Christmas and New Year when we lose track of the date and time and are allowed to spend all day in pajamas relaxing. If you’re anything like me and would prefer a little project to pass your time.