Popped Closet | Home Organizing and Decluttering | Kingston, Ontario

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The Pre Holiday Purge

The Holiday season is here and with it the joy that comes from traditions. From Decorating the house and the warm lights that come from the tree to baking our favourite holiday treats to cuddling up on the couch to watch our favourite Christmas movies, or driving around to look at all the lights. Another important but slightly less magical tradition is our pre holiday purge. You’ve probably heard me say it before but one of the ways to stay organized is to add in resets to get your home back on track, a regular weekly reset to put things back where they belong and a more seasonal approach for things like decluttering. It usually happens in the spring as the weather starts warming up, right around September with the back to school season and again in December before the holiday season starts. They are natural reminders to go through the pantry, our wardrobes, toys and the decor to ensure your home is filled with the things you use and love. Decluttering is a cycle and when you’re not doing it regularly things can pile up and become overwhelming. Plus in January it’s so much more overwhelming to find space for all the new things if you haven’t decluttered the old. 

4 things to declutter this December

  1. Holiday decorations 

If you haven’t put something out for a couple of years or your tastes have changed, donate the items so they’re not taking up space in your storage, and if you donate before the holidays someone else can pick them up and use them, it’s a win-win.

2. Kids Items

It's the perfect time to get your kids involved in decluttering. Even the kids who are attached to everything are more willing to let go when they know new things are coming. Start by reframing it, it's not about getting rid of things, it's about making room for new. Let them make the decisions and don’t second guess them with comments like “are you sure? You loved that”. This is where some of the guilt in keeping things comes from. If you want to keep it, put it aside for a favourite toy bin for storage. Also, let them be a part of the donation or selling process, its important for them to understand the whole process.

3. The Pantry

Even though I rarely cook a big holiday meal, I love to bake all of the holiday treats so if I'm in the baking section I may as well have a look at expiry dates and make sure nothing has gotten lost in the back of a cupboard. At the same time, see what you still have on hand from last year to save yourself time and money at the grocery store, If you are having a big holiday meal make sure you know where you stored your serving dishes and those large pots and pans that are rarely used so that you’re not adding stress on the day. 

4. Storage 

Whether it's a space in your basement, a spare room or a closet that becomes a dumping ground, now is a great time to really see what’s in there, donate the things you don’t use and create homes for everything else. Create a gift zone so you don’t “loose” gifts or forget where you put them. Don’t forget to  make space for the decorations when they come down in January. 

If you need a hand with your decluttering click here to schedule a complimentary consultation. 

Happy Organizing
