How To Organize Your Office To Increase Productivity


Increase productivity with an organized office

Most of us have been working from home for the better part of a year, and while I have posted many tips to Instagram I realized I’ve never written a blog post about how to organize your home office. Saying you're organized is one of the cliche answers in an interview that no hiring manager wants to hear, but actually being organized at work is so important. It increases productivity, reduces stress levels, and ensures you can meet deadlines and stay on track with projects. 

Whether you’re continuing to work from home or shifting back to an office, these tips will help you reset your space to ensure you’re able to work at your best. 

Some Questions to ask yourself when you're setting up your office. 

Does this space make me feel inspired and energized?

What items and storage solutions do I need to work efficiently?

How do I work best? Do I need complete silence? Am I more productive around people?

Where am I happiest working and where can I get the job done? 



When you’re creating your work from home space, think of every available space you could work. Whether it’s a spare room or a corner in your living room,  bedroom, or making a cloffice out of a spare closet. Your office can be as simple as a couple of shelves on a  wall next to a side table. If you’re transforming an existing space, really pay attention to the light and the background for your zoom calls. Experiment until you find the best place. 

Reset the space

When you find the perfect space the first thing you have to do is clear the space completely and create a fresh space to work with. By clearing the space you can see what you need to add. Give everything a good clean and slowly start to add things back. Only return what you really need. Then think about how you can make your workspace more inviting, so you want to be there. Add a plant, candle, or vase to add some happiness. 


File it away 

When it comes to your paperwork, gather it all together in one big box then you need to sit and sort it out until it’s all divided into sections. By creating a filing system you will bring structure into your office. First choose main categories, finance, House, work, Kids Etc. colour code each category. Add a file for each person in your family. However, it makes sense to you. Add a file cabinet or filing boxes if that’s easier for you. As much as possible, digitize files and create files on your computer or on drives to eliminate your paper clutter. 

Give everything a home

This is the most important step. When everything has a home it’s easier to maintain the space. That way when you’re ready to start work all you have to do is turn on your laptop and start. You might add a bookshelf so the reference books are easily accessible. Find a space for your papers, shredder, and office supplies in your drawers. An organized space will help you work much more efficiently and easily. 


Taking the time to find and organize your home office space is always worth the time and effort. You’ll feel more in control and less stressed, and your space will promote better focus, concentration, productivity, creativity- it could even improve your sleep. Tidy desk, tidy mind!

Happy Organizing!



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