How To Downsize Your Home


Taking time to prepare for a move is always important but it’s especially important when you plan to downsize.

You need time to go through your things and purge the items you’ll no longer need or want. This can be an incredibly emotional process so it's important to start early to give yourself plenty of time. When you’ve lived in a home for a number of years it’s inevitable that you’ll acquire a number of things so it’s important to go through those things regularly to ensure they still reflect the life you want. I don’t preach minimalism but I do think it’s important to check in with yourself and ensure that what’s in your home reflects who you are at that moment. That means getting rid of toys your kids have outgrown, going through boxes of keepsakes to reduce clutter. Getting rid of kitchen tools you’re not using, and purging that closet of clothes that no longer fit or suit your personal style. There is room for storage and keepsake items but you want to make sure it’s stuff you’ll pass on or really want to look at again.

Whether it’s your own move or you’re helping a parent or grandparent these tips will help you downsize with ease.

So what are the stages of decluttering?

4 Steps to Purge

  1. Start one room at a time

    I always suggest starting in the kitchen- start with the pantry and cupboards and get rid of all of your expired food products, kitchen utensils, serving dishes, and extra plate bowls and cups. Mugs and water bottles are often used as promotional gifts so get rid of anything that you’re not using regularly.

    From there move on to your linen closets. My general rule is 2 sets of sheets per bed in the house. You can even go down to one for guest rooms. Consider the place you’re planning to buy and how many beds will be there- only keep what is necessary.

    Then move on to your closet- here it’s important to get rid of anything that no longer fits, or reflects your personal style. If you’ve changed jobs don’t hold on to a wardrobe that doesn’t reflect that new position. Chances are even if you go back to a more formal or informal environment you’ll want new things anyway. 

    Keepsakes for your kids- I’ll let you in on a secret, kids don’t want their old stuff back when they grow up. Keep a box per kid (max)  with limited pieces of artwork, special outfits, and toys they loved. Keep it small and simple. 

    Living room and decor items- go through your books, magazines, pictures, etc, and decide what you want your new home to look like.

  2. Group similar items together

    Gather all like items together and decide where they’ll live in your new home. Will all books go in the same room or will you have some in the office, some in the living room, etc. storage- what’s going in the basement what will be stored in closets, and will you have space in a garage. These are all questions you have to consider to make sure you’re keeping the right things

  3. Measure your new space

    Keep in mind your new space when deciding what to keep if you have large pieces of furniture but are moving to a smaller space measure to make sure they’ll fit. There is nothing worse than paying for movers to move your stuff only to find out it doesn’t fit and needs to be sold or taken to the dump. 

  4. Envision the space you want

    Consider this when you’re deciding what to keep. Has your style remained the same or is the new house more modern, or are you feeling a classic moment? A new home is an opportunity to reset so it’s important to consider every option. 

If you’re planning a move and need a little help decluttering or organizing your new home

schedule a complimentary consultation to find out how I can help.

Happy Organizing



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