45 Things To Declutter Today

Spring has officially sprung and if you’re anything like me, you’re feeling an urge for a fresh start. 

My favourite way to start the new season is with a healthy declutter session to let go of the things that are no longer useful in my home. Below you’ll find 45 things to declutter, that are easy to get rid of today!

Some reasons to get rid of things:

  • It’s old. And not the cool “vintage” old. More like, “it’s expired, it’s completely worn out, it doesn’t work anymore, I never used it” kind of old.

  • I might need it one day (but you won’t). This is the most common reason we keep stuff. I challenge you to try to think about it differently. Instead, if you haven’t used it in the last 1-2 years, do you REALLY need it?

  • It’s broken. The truth is if you really cared about fixing this item, don’t you think you would have done it by now?

  • It doesn’t fit your style. Lots of things go out of style, This doesn’t always mean trendy fashion items, it could just be things you’ve grown out of. If it’s not something you’d want to buy now, then it’s time to reconsider it.

  • It doesn’t serve you. We can end up with “stuff” and sometimes it is hard to even know where it came from. Is this product actually adding value to your life in any way? Is it loved? Is it used? Is it valued?

  • Studies have shown that clutter can effect your mental health.

A lot of time people assume decluttering will be emotional and it means going through every sentimental item you have, but it doesn’t have to be. This list is items that no one needs, but that I see in every home I step into. So it’s time to let them go!

What to Declutter


Let’s start in the kitchen because I find it to be the least emotional. 

  1. Expired food. empty your cupboards/ pantry and check the expiry date on everything.

  2. Food you will never eat. It’s time to check expiration dates and donate the random things you didn’t like or know you won’t eat.

  3. Water bottles. These always tend to accumulate and you likely don’t need as many as you have. 1-2 per person in your house is usually enough.

  4. Excess coffee mugs. It’s hard because they can often be sentimental or were gifts. In our house we have a, one mug in, one mug out rule so anytime we add a new mug, an old one has to go.

  5. Mismatched plastic food containers. If it doesn’t have a lid or a bottom it goes!

  6. Unused small kitchen appliances – If you have a kitchen appliance you haven’t used in over a year, you probably don’t need it taking up space.

  7. Extra glassware, baking dishes, vases, serving trays, bowls, etc. If it hasn’t been used in 1-2 years, it’s time for it to go.

  8. Takeout condiments. They have probably expired and honestly aren’t even that delicious.

  9. Mystery freezer food. Yep, check that freezer for anything that’s been in there so long you no longer know what it is.

    Clothing and Closets

  10. Any clothing with holes/ stains– It’s ok, go ahead, admit it, we all have a pair of underwear or socks that have a hole in it. Throw it out.

  11. Clothes that don’t fit comfortably. Stop holding on to things that don’t fit well just because “you might wear them someday”. It’s just cluttering up your closet and making it harder for you to find your favorites.

  12. Jewelry you don’t wear. Some of us have some sentimental pieces and those are okay to keep, but if you don’t wear them often, consider storing them somewhere else like a lockbox with other sentimental items so they don’t clutter up your everyday stuff. 

  13. Shoes that aren’t comfortable. Life is too short for uncomfortable shoes.


  14. Makeup. Check expiration dates and throw away any broken or unused products.

  15. Travel-sized product samples. We all keep these just in case, but they very often go unused, there are only so many mini shampoos we need. Keep just one set.

  16. Old nail polish. You likely don’t need as many colors as you think, and polish only lasts so long. Stick to your top 5 or 10 colors and get rid of old, dried-out bottles.

  17. Old beauty products – Yep, lotion and body soap and eye creams all expire. Check the dates on them. But truthfully if they’ve been sitting in the cabinet long enough that you wonder if they’ve expired, do you really really don’t need them?

  18. Expired medicine and vitamins

  19. Unused hair styling tools

    Miscellaneous Home Items

  20. Outdated wall art or novelty decor and items that no longer match your style.

  21. Holiday decor you never put up anymore. Since holiday decor is seasonal, I give it a two-year window. If I didn’t use it 2 years in a row, it’s time for it to go to make room for new, updated stuff.

  22. Extra sets of towels, table linens, and blankets. Most of us need some extra sets of towels and blankets and table linens for when we have guests or company, but it should be within reason. There should be 2 towels per person in the house plus a set of guest towels, and a beach towel for each family member. Get rid of stained and holey towels. Read about how to organize your linen closet here

  23. Pens, pencils, and markers. Only keep your favorites and the ones that have ink.

  24. Board games or video games no one plays.

  25. Books. If you’re never going to read it again and you’re not saving it for a friend to borrow…really…why do you have it? You could donate it for someone else to enjoy.

  26. Extra backpacks or luggage.

  27. Hobby or sports equipment for a hobby or sport you don’t play anymore- this also goes for any unused exercise equipment.

  28. An overabundance of cleaning supplies.

  29. Burned-down candles.

  30. Kids’ toys that are missing necessary pieces.


  31. Owner manuals. Every owner manual for every item is now available online so you really don’t need to take up space with the paper ones.

  32. Expired coupons

  33. Takeout menus. This goes along with owner manuals, literally, every menu exists online.

  34. Used up gift cards.

  35. Old used-up notebooks


  36. Old remotes, electronics, and their chargers. If you don’t know what the cord belongs to, let it go!.

  37. DVDs, CDs, VHS tapes.

  38. Old Tech Boxes, Unless you’re going to resell it, let it go!

  39. Apps on your phone and tablet you don’t use

  40. Emails you no longer wish to receive. You can use a service like unenroll me which helps search for email lists you are a part of and bulk unsubscribes. 

    Random Items

  41. Gifts you don’t like but feel obligated to hold onto. There are likely some things that the giver of the gift will NEVER know if you donate it, I promise I won’t tell.

  42. Plastic bags and reusable totes. We need some reusable bags, but most of us have way more than we need.

  43. Really chewed-up pet toys.

  44. Excessive gift bags/ wrapping paper.

  45. “Good” Glass jars and boxes that you think you’ll use but never do. Either put something in it or let it go!

    If you’re struggling to declutter get my Declutter Guide today

    Happy Organizing!



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